Volume 4, Number 1 (1979)
Front Matter
The Defense of Local Governmets in Civil Rights Litigation
Patricia W. Morrison
The Meaninglessness of the Plain Meaning Rule
Michael R. Merz
Reducing Administrative Delay: Timeliness Procedures, Judicial Review of Agency Procedurees, Procedural Reform, and Legislative Oversight
Gregory L. Ogden
Book Review
Water Needs for the Future (By Ved P. Nanda)
Ralph B. Lake
Gift Tax Consequences of Interest-Free Loans between Family Members
Victoria Wilson and Thomas M. Poulton
The False Claims Act: Potential Application to Members of Congress
Trienah A. Meyers
Regulation of Employee Welfare Benefit Plans: The Scope of ERISA's Preemption and the State Power to Regulate Insurance
Molly B. Kenny
Irrebuttable Presumption Doctrine: Applied to State and Federal Regulations excluding Females from Contact Sports
Elizabeth J. Henley
Court Reorganization: Legislative Incursion on Judicial Independence in Ohio
Kathryn Sonderman Wald