Volume 6, Number 2 (1981)
Front Matter
Front Matter, Volume 6, Number 2 (1981)
University of Dayton
Legislative Notes
Analysis of Selected 1980 Ohio Legislation
University of Dayton
S.B. 297: Procedural Changes in Civil Commitment for Those Found to Be Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity in Ohio
Frank Nagatani and Ned J. Nakles
Amendment to Ohio's Environmental Protection Verified Complaint Law
Daniel Anthony Bernardin
Book Reviews
Democracy and Distrust (By John Hart Ely)
Gilbert S. Merritt
Judicial Review and the National Political Process: A Functional Reconsideration of the Role of the Supreme Court (By Jesse H. Choper)
Richard B. Saphire
OSHA Regulation of Benzene: The Missing Ingredient of Cost-Benefit Analysis
Marybeth W. Rutledge
The Affirmative Duty to Disclose under Rule 10B-5
Thomas J. Troetti
Back Matter
Author Index, Volumes 1-6
University of Dayton
Casenotes and Comments Index, Volumes 1-6
University of Dayton
Legislative Analysis Index, Volumes 1-6
University of Dayton
Subject Index, Volumes 1-6
University of Dayton