Honors Theses


Ryan McEwan



Publication Date


Document Type

Honors Thesis


Water is an invaluable natural resource to both human and ecological communities, and is currently threatened by global and local pollution and availability. Hypoxia, climate change and local issues all strain river systems to beyond repair. In light of this, communities and scientists must come together to understand the quality and value of natural resources, such as the Great Miami River, in order to inform policy, management and societal perceptions. The overall purpose of this thesis research project is to utilize interdisciplinary areas together to create a valuable, spatially lateral and chronological baseline picture of the Great Miami River. The intent is to track changes in water quality and nutrient loading variability along the rural-suburban-urban continuum of land use change. The research will set a baseline for the Great Miami River through a comprehensive overview and data collection during two five-day river trips, starting at the headwaters at Indian Lake down to the City of Dayton. By using a systems thinking framework within the context of an interdisciplinary approach, this study attempts to understand the relationships and interactions of the river/watershed/landshed system.

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Undergraduate research



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Biology Commons
