"An Undivided Heart: How Mary Unites What Sin Divides According to John" by Ann M. Michalica

Honors Theses


Gloria Dodd and Jana Bennett


Religious Studies

Publication Date

Spring 4-2014

Document Type

Honors Thesis


Today, personhood is often threatened by the tendency to divide the human person into two contrasting parts: body and soul. Many times, this causes the human person to be reduced to a disembodied spiritual being or a disposable object rather than a whole person called to love and be loved. In his teachings known as Theology of the Body, John Paul II uses a personalistic approach to illuminate the human person as the integration of body and soul. Scripturally based, Theology of the Body is the study of God’s reflection in the human body and human sexuality. Using John Paul II’s Theology of the Body and the Catholic Church's four Marian dogmas, this thesis will illustrate how the Blessed Virgin Mary gives humanity knowledge of the body as a personalistic integration of flesh and spirit intended for a self-giving relationship with both God and man.

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Undergraduate research


Arts and Humanities | Catholic Studies | Religion
