Honors Theses


Loan Bui, Ph.D.



Publication Date


Document Type

Honors Thesis


Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is among one of the most deadly, aggressive, and invasive types of cancer. Currently, there is no cure for patients diagnosed with GBM. Due to the cancer’s high rates of motility and invasion, even with treatment, patients are often given a survival time of 12-15 months after diagnosis. This makes GBM of particular interest to scientists who intend to improve outcomes of GBM patients. In my study, I utilized the nonadherent method and microfluidic channels to generate a three- dimensional tumor model of GBM cell lines and the brain’s tumor microenvironment. In this model, we fabricated GBM spheroids to mimic the primary tumor. The spheroids were introduced to a PDMS device which has microfluidic channels and matrigel to simulate physical confinements and the extra cellular matrix in the brain tissue, respectively. Using this model, I was able to successfully observe the migration and sprouting behavior of four different GBM cell lines, U-118 MG, U-87 MG, LN-229, and A-172. The success of this project will allow us to learn more about the invasion of GBM cancer so that better treatments can be developed to prevent the progression of GBM infiltration and recurrence.

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Undergraduate research

Embargoed until Tuesday, June 22, 2123
