Holy Cards
Creation Date
approximately 1870
Work Type
devotional pictures
Paris (France)
Portraits of Jesus and Mary are depicted in heart-shaped borders. Jesus, with nimbus, holds a harvest basket of fruits, vegetables, and wheat. Mary, with nimbus, holds her hands over her heart.
Jésus ouvre continuellement sur nous sa main bienfaisante et consolatrice. Pendant l'orage regardez toujours et invoquez sans cesse l'étoile de la mer. (front)
Si jamais vous avez le malheur de vous égarer au milieu des sentiers que fréquentent les pêcheurs, Marie sera pour vous l'etoile du salut. Ne désesperéz jamais des bontés de Jésus il vous aime, il veille sans cesse a vos besoins son cœur sera toujours sensible á vos misères. (back)
Holy cards, Jesus Christ, Blessed Virgin Mary
Marian Library
Repository ID
Permission Statement
This material may be protected by U.S. (Title 17, U.S. Code) and/or international copyright law. The material is available for personal, educational, and scholarly use. It is the responsibility of the researcher to locate and obtain permission from the copyright owner(s) or heirs for any other use, such as reproduction and publication.
Holy cards, Jesus Christ, Blessed Virgin Mary