"The True Friend holy card"

Holy Cards




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Creation Date

approximately 1915

Work Type

devotional pictures


Paris (France)


A wooden crucifix with a white sculpture of Jesus. In the background are blue skies, clouds, lily flowers, and branches of thorns. Below the illustration is a quotation from Father Gustave de Ravignan. The back of the card has a handwritten poem about Jesus with no author attribution. This card was printed by Maison Bouasse-Lebel at an unknown date.


The True Friend. Let there be a habitual and tender communication between our Crucifix and our soul, let us take it for our Friend, our Confidant, our Model. (P. de Ravignan.) (front) I. O Jesus dear, O Jesus dear, I am so glad to have Thee here, Although Thou art so weak and small Thou art my God, and Lord of all. II. O Babe divine, O Babe divine, Just for a little Thou art mine And I can press Thee to my heart All, my, great and holy as Thou art. III. My brother sweet, my brother sweet, I kiss thy tender little feet. And lay my face against Thy, feet, cheek And am to happy quite to speak. Amen. (back)


U.S. Catholic Special Collection

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