Double Love (Sweet Valley High #1)

Double Love (Sweet Valley High #1)


Francine Pascal



This is a terrible book. It’s not well-written; it’s trite; and the characters are two dimensional. Love and happiness seem limited to blond, perky, thin, able-bodied girls. However, I loved these books, and they were the first YA romances I read; the series has well over 100 books and multiple spinoff series. For so many young girls in the 1980s, these books were the ideal depiction of high school romance and drama; even Roxanne Gay mentioned Sweet Valley High’s influence in her book Bad Feminist. This book is important to consider when we look at the evolution of young adult romance, and it makes us appreciate current, more inclusive novels. Notably, most of these books are ghostwritten, a common occurence in romance series.

Date of Selection



Amy Krug

Double Love (Sweet Valley High #1)
