Volume 31 (2019)
The articles presented in Volume 31 of the Annual encompass a wide range of topics that advance our understanding of basic course pedagogy, practice, and administration. Jillian Joyce, Alex Kritselis, Samantha Dunn, Cheri J. Simonds, and Ben Lynn open Volume 31 with a synthesis of research published over the past 13 years that reflects the current state of our journal. Their analysis calls for further research focusing on diverse student populations, innovative pedagogical methods, and a greater focus on basic course-specific issues.
The remaining articles discuss a variety of topics pertaining to our discipline’s introductory course, our “bread and butter” class, the “front porch” course, or whatever metaphor you would like to use to characterize the great work that happens here.
Front Matter
Editor's Page
Joseph P. Mazer
Synthesizing the Current State of the Basic Communication Course Annual: Furthering the Research of Effective Pedagogy
Jillian Joyce, Alex Kritselis, Samantha Dunn, Cheri J. Simonds, and Ben Lynn
Growth Mindset: Associations with Apprehension, Self-Perceived Competence, and Beliefs about Public Speaking
Craig O. Stewart, John R. McConnell III, Lori A. Stallings, and Rod D. Roscoe
Examining Students’ Learning and Preparation in a Basic Communication Course
Stevie M. Munz and Janet Colvin
Social Integration and Student Proactivity: Precursors to Improved Academic Outcomes in a First-Year Experience Basic Communication Course
Robert Sidelinger and Brandi N. Frisby
Anxiety and Communication Competence in the Honors Basic Public Speaking Course: An Intervention and Formative Assessment
Joshua N. Westwick, Karla M. Hunter, and Barbara A. Kleinjan
Online versus Face-to-Face Public Speaking Outcomes: A Comprehensive Assessment
Melissa A. Broeckelman-Post, Katherine E. Hyatt Hawkins, Anthony R. Arciero, and Andie S. Malterud
Cross-Disciplinary Curricular Connections Between Communication and STEM: A Case for a Tailored Basic Course
Brandi N. Frisby, Jessalyn I. Vallade, and Renee Kaufmann
Celebrating Community in the Basic Course
Aubrey A. Huber
'I Have A Student Who ...': Systematically Addressing Student Misbehaviors in the Basic Course
John Hooker
Accommodating Students With Anxiety: A Personal Success Story
Cheri J. Simonds, Jillian Joyce, Allison Metz, and Lauryn Oleson
Back Matter
- Editor
- Joseph P. Mazer
- Editorial assistant
- T. Kody Frey
- Review Board
- Lindsey B. Anderson
- LeAnn M. Brazeal
- Melissa A. Broeckelman-Post
- Katherine J. Denker
- Karen Kangas Dwyer
- Adam C. Earnheardt
- Deanna L. Fassett
- Brandi N. Frisby
- Amy L. Housley Gaffney
- Elizabeth Graham
- Jon A. Hess
- Stephen K. Hunt
- John F. Hooker
- Angela M. Hosek
- Marian L. Houser
- Adam C. Jones
- Jeffrey H. Kuznekoff
- Luke LeFebvre
- David T. McMahan
- W. Bradford Mello
- Kevin R. Meyer
- Scott A. Myers
- C. Kyle Rudick
- Kristina Ruiz-Mesa
- William J. Seiler
- Cheri J. Simonds
- Blair Thompson
- Scott Titsworth
- Joseph M. Valenzano III
- Beth M. Waggenspack
- Samuel P. Wallace
- Tiffany R. Wang
- Joshua N. Westwick
- Andrew D. Wolvin