"Compensation" by Betty Jackson King


Original Listing

Paul Laurence Dunbar, Compensation

Biographical Information

(1928-1994) Betty Jackson King earned a bachelor's degree in piano and a master's in composition from Roosevelt University, Chicago. She later studied piano, organ, composition, and voice at Oakland University, Glassboro College, and others. She taught at the University of Chicago Laboratory School, Roosevelt University, Dillard University (New Orleans), and Wildwood High School (Wildwood, New Jersey). King pursued careers in composing and teaching and was a choral conductor-clinician and lecturer in churches and universities. Her honors included a scholarship from the Chicago Umbrian Glee Club and awards and recognition from the National Association of Negro Musicians, Outstanding Leaders in Elementary and Secondary Education, and the International Black Writers Conference. She was president of the National Association of Negro Musicians. Her compositions include works for opera, oratorio, orchestra, choir, and instrumental and solo voice; they consist of a variety of subjects, though she favored sacred themes.

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