"Compensation (Jump Back)" by Simon Sargon

Compensation (Jump Back)


Simon Sargon

Publication Information

From Jump Back!: African American Poetry in Song (1965).

Original Listing

Paul Laurence Dunbar, Compensation

Biographical Information

(b. 1938) Simon Sargon is an Indian-born American pianist and composer. He studied music theory at Brandeis University and composition with Vincent Persichetti at the Juilliard School of Music. He taught at the Rubin Academy of Music in Jerusalem, where he was head of the voice department; he also taught at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. In addition, he was a professor at Juilliard and at Sarah Lawrence College in New York City. In 1974, he was appointed music director at Temple Emanu-El in Dallas, where he continues to serve. In 1983, he joined the faculty of Southern Methodist University, where he is an associate professor of music.

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