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Session description:

How to Uncover Your Own Voice and Get it Down on Paper (Kathy Kinney and Cindy Ratzlaff): Using a series of improvisational writing techniques and a simple kitchen timer, this hands-on workshop will get you past your self-criticism, reveal your unique voice and help you incorporate that voice into your writing. You’ll learn how to use your voice to paint a clear picture for readers, helping them experience who you are, where you are, who you are to the others in your scene and what makes this day so important in the story. Come prepared to write without self-editing and to give your imagination a good workout.

About the presenters:

Kathy Kinney, who may be known best for her role as Mimi on the The Drew Carey Show, is the co-author, along with her friend Cindy Ratzlaff, of Queen of Your Own Life: The Grown-up Woman’s Guide to Claiming Happiness and Getting the Life You Deserve; Queenisms: 101 Jolts of Inspiration; and Queen of Your Own Life: If Not Now, When? On their Queen of Your Own Life Facebook page, Kinney and Ratzlaff host “Thursday Check-In,” an outreach event they started during the pandemic. Kinney, who has a background in improvisational comedy, is also the star and co-producer of the children's website, which promotes creativity, literacy and the joy of reading.

Cindy Ratzlaff is a 30-year veteran of the book publishing industry, having held executive positions at Rodale Inc. and Simon & Schuster and created and implemented the launch campaigns for more than 150 New York Times bestsellers. Her articles on business topics and happiness have been published on major platforms. She is the co-author, along with her friend Kathy Kinney, of Queen of Your Own Life: The Grown-up Woman's Guide to Claiming Happiness and Getting the Life You Deserve; Queenisms: 101 Jolts of Inspiration; and Queen of Your Own Life: If Not Now, When? On their Queen of Your Own Life Facebook page, Ratzlaff and Kinney host “Thursday Check-In,” an outreach event they started during the pandemic.

Artist's Note

This was one of the exercises in the improv class taught by Cindy Ratzlaff and Kathy Kinney. They loved the drawings I did for that class — I did something every 10 minutes. I had a chance to tell Kathy, who played Mimi on The Drew Carey Show, that there was a time that was my favorite show.


Copyright © 2022, Bob Eckstein. All rights reserved.


University of Dayton, Erma Bombeck, humor writing, writing workshop, original illustration


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