"Chapter XI — Recapitulation and Therapeutic Roadmap" by Messay Kebede
Ethiopian Modernization: Opportunities and Derailments



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This book revolved around a central theme, which is to show how the imperative to hold on to absolute power derailed the modernization of Ethiopia under three consecutive but radically different political regimes, the irony being that each came to power on the promise of removing the defects of the regime that preceded it. Its main argument can be summed up thus: from Haile Selassie’s imperial state, military socialism, to the two versions of ethnic federalism, the framing of modernization in an exclusionary political system and the attendant excluding forms of ideological thinking are responsible in large measure for the derailment. As Kostas Loukeris notes:

"All political ideologies currently promoted in Ethiopia share the commonality of political exclusion. This means that all of them are based on particular characteristics that force other Ethiopian citizens to either accept them and thus deny their own ideological orientation or feel excluded from its political system. These processes create grievances and breed conflict."

Let us recapitulate the main findings of our study.

Publication Date



Dayton, OH


Africana Studies | Philosophy


This book is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) License. Copyright © 2023, Messay Kebede.

Chapter XI — Recapitulation and Therapeutic Roadmap