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The last chapter has unraveled the close link between modernization and the emergence of a survival ethos among ruling elites of traditional societies in transition. To approach the case of Ethiopia’s modernization from the same angle of explanation, it is necessary first to make sure that some groups among Ethiopian ruling elites had shown a propensity that could be defined as a salvational will. Sure enough, any ruling elite wants to protect the social order that benefits it. However, the salvational will, as defined in the previous chapter, is less the desire to perpetuate the status quo than the will to reform because of the belief that only reforms that include the forsaking of some traditional prerogatives can ensure survival.
Publication Date
Dayton, OH
Africana Studies | Philosophy
Recommended Citation
Kebede, Messay, "Chapter II — Survey of Ethiopia’s Survival: Definition and Controversies" (2023). Ethiopian Modernization: Opportunities and Derailments. 3.
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