LGBTQ+ Inclusive Pedagogy in and Out of the Classroom

About the Presenter(s)

Logan Trzeciak, University of Dayton Class of 2024, Q*Mmunity Leaders Peer Educator Anya Galli Robertson, Assistant Professor of Sociology (Department of Sociology, Anthropology, & Social Work), Fellow for LGBTQ+ Inclusion (Office of Diversity and Inclusion)


Kennedy Union Room 312

Start Date

3-1-2024 10:00 AM

End Date

3-1-2024 10:50 AM


At least 15% of the undergraduate student population at the University of Dayton self-identifies as LGBTQ+. As a Catholic, Marianist university, our institution is committed to honoring the intrinsic value of all people and fostering a community where all members feel welcome, respected and valued. This interactive workshop, led by a current student peer educator from Q*Mmunity Leaders, will explore strategies and best practices for inclusive pedagogy in and out of the classroom that have positive impacts on LGBTQ+ students’ sense of belonging, mental health, and academic success. Participants will hear the perspectives of current UD students, learn about evidence-based best practices for LGBTQ+ inclusive pedagogy, and become familiar with sources for continued learning.

Goals for Attendees

Participants will gain new perspectives on teaching and interacting with LGBTQ+ students and will be able to better support them in and out of the classroom. With earnest participation in the workshop, those who choose to dialogue and discuss together will be able to grow their skills in advising and building relationships with LGBTQ+ students.


Logan Trzeciak will lead the workshop based on research and programming development completed during the 2023 Dean's Summer Fellowship, advised by Dr. Anya Galli Robertson.

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Jan 3rd, 10:00 AM Jan 3rd, 10:50 AM

LGBTQ+ Inclusive Pedagogy in and Out of the Classroom

Kennedy Union Room 312

At least 15% of the undergraduate student population at the University of Dayton self-identifies as LGBTQ+. As a Catholic, Marianist university, our institution is committed to honoring the intrinsic value of all people and fostering a community where all members feel welcome, respected and valued. This interactive workshop, led by a current student peer educator from Q*Mmunity Leaders, will explore strategies and best practices for inclusive pedagogy in and out of the classroom that have positive impacts on LGBTQ+ students’ sense of belonging, mental health, and academic success. Participants will hear the perspectives of current UD students, learn about evidence-based best practices for LGBTQ+ inclusive pedagogy, and become familiar with sources for continued learning.