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Brochure promoting the Marian Forum set for April 7, 2017.
Theme: Mary and Ecological Spirituality
Deyanira Flores, S.T.D., visiting faculty, International Marian Research Institute; Faculty, National Seminary Our Lady of the Angels, Costa Rica: What is the relationship between the Virgin Mary and Creation? Different answers that significant authors from Tradition have given to this question will be explored.
Father Johann Roten, S.M., director of research and special projects, International Marian Research Institute: Based on contemporary reflections about Mary and ecology, this talk will try to determine if Mary has a role in ecology and what would be the conditions and possible expressions of an ecology-inspired Marian spirituality.
Marian Library
eCommons Citation
University of Dayton. International Marian Research Institute, "Promotional Brochure: Marian Forum, Spring 2017" (2017). Reports and Promotional Materials. 63.
Graphic designer: Ann Zlotnik