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Brochure promoting the Marian Forum set for April 8, 2016.

Theme: Mary’s Place in Today’s Church. Presenters:

Fr. Thomas Buffer Lecturer, University of Dayton, International Marian Research Institute: Mary and the Church: What We Can Learn from the Past When we talk about the Church, are we also talking about Mary to help others understand it better? If so, what is the best way to do it? What should we avoid? In this effort, the religious literature of the first eight Christian centuries, also known as the patristic era, can offer some helpful pointers for us in the 21st century.

Dennis Doyle Professor, University of Dayton: A More Marian Church: What Might That Look Like? In its seventh chapter, Vatican II’s Lumen gentium spoke of the Church as the Communion of Saints made up simultaneously of the Pilgrim Church in its journey on earth and the Heavenly Church in its eternal fullness. The eighth chapter focused on Mary as a shining example of one whose historical and eternal life have blended perfectly these dimensions. Mary is herself a type of the Church.

Brochure also explains the purpose of the Marian Forum: The purpose of this forum is to take stock of Mary’s place in the Church Do we need a reappraisal of Mary’s place in the Church? Is there still a minimalist approach toward Mary in theology and ecclesiology? What about the idea of a Marian church?


Marian Library


Graphic designer: Ann Zlotnik



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