Wing Performance Insight from the Self-Preserved Turbulent Wake

Document Type

Conference Paper

Publication Date


Publication Source

52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting


The self-preserved turbulent wake behind an airfoil is explored to determine the extent to which wing performance information can be extracted. The turbulent wake 10 chord lengths downstream of an SD7003 wall to wall airfoil model is analyzed through the lens of the irreversibilities in the flow. The concept of Exergy is used to quantify these irreversibilities. The variation in the [surrogate] eddy viscosity was previously obtained from mathematical models derived for wake identification studies by the authors.

These models are developed further here to determine the Exergy destruction rate in the turbulent wake. To validate the model, the velocity field experimentally obtained by Particle Image Velocimetry in the wake of a wall-to-wall SD7003 airfoil is used to calculate the exergy destruction rate through the finite difference technique. The Exergy destruction rate is mathematically modeled as a function of the coefficient of drag and other initial conditions of the wing (thickness, chord, etc.) through the momentum-deficit model.

A relationship between the Reynolds stress and exergy destruction rate was derived based on the eddy viscosity model. The results from the exergy destruction rate model are validated against the exergy destruction rate obtained from experimental data and they show good agreement.




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American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Place of Publication

National Harbor, MD
