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Earlier this year in August, the River Stewards embarked on their annual Orientation for the incoming River Stewards. Accompanied by community partners and other River Stewards, the group of paddlers made their way down a 17 mile stretch ending on the Great Miami River near Sun Watch Indian Village. There, the Stewards packed up and participated in a small reflection exercises lead by brother Geiger. At one point during the reflection brother Geiger asked each member to pour a small amount of water from their water bottles into the river. He then prompted everyone to imagine where their water would end up in the future..
University of Dayton Rivers Institute, Fitz Center for Leadership in Community, River Stewards, Great Miami River
eCommons Citation
Gaskins, Alexander, "River Stewards Orientation" (2011). Blog Archive: River Reflections at the University of Dayton. 165.