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Throughout my time as a student at UD, I have realized how important it is to get off UD’s campus and “break the bubble”. As a River Steward, I have realized that it is even better to get off campus and seek the serenity of the forests and parks. The forest is somewhere where I feel calm and relaxed while enjoying the scenery, the smell of the leaves, and the cool breeze on the trail. Not only this, but I can enjoy the company of many of my fellow stews. Throughout last semester, we went on a variety of adventures. Some of these adventures included hiking in John Bryan State Park while also rock climbing, cave exploring, and swimming in the river. Other adventures included riding on the bike trails to Huffman Dam and to the local festival, Midwest Outdoor Experience. And even in the cold days of winter, we bundled up and went hiking in the snow at Possum Creek MetroPark.


University of Dayton Rivers Institute, Fitz Center for Leadership in Community, River Stewards, Great Miami River
