"Making Memes: Teaching Visual Literacy in a (Fun) Remote Environment" by Jillian M. Ewalt (0000-0003-0805-3097) and Bridget Retzloff

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Conference or Event Name

Art Libraries Society, North America Ohio Valley/Midstates Regional Conference


How can you use humor to relieve pandemic fatigue while teaching visual literacy? At the University of Dayton, librarians developed an asynchronous session on visual literacy and internet memes. The session introduced students to fair use, public domain and Creative Commons images and tools for determining how they could be remixed or reused. The interactive tutorial included an active learning component where students created their own fun and lighthearted memes. Memes were shared with permission via the library’s social media channels and not only showcased student work but built community through humor in spite of pandemic isolation. This poster covers asynchronous lesson planning, teaching visual literacy in a remote environment, how librarians are using feedback from the session to develop a second iteration of the workshop, and the importance of sustaining community through inclusive humor during remote learning.


Conference was presented virtually.
