Document Type


Academic Year


Approved Date



Action: Legislative Authority

In November 2023, the provost’s office brought a draft policy to ECAS on Undergraduate Course Enrollment Thresholds. That draft policy was based on recent practice and revised policy in the School of Business Administration. After discussion, ECAS charged SAPC with developing a university-wide policy on undergraduate course enrollment thresholds, following consultation with key constituents across campus. Throughout that consultation, SAPC heard repeatedly that responsible use of financial resources is very important. SAPC further heard that as we steward those resources with a policy such as this one, we should be attentive to: 1) the larger picture of department and faculty load with respect to the number of students taught in a given semester and over a four-semester span; 2) the need for smaller classes when pedagogically designed or programmatically promised; 3) the need for greater predictive tools available to chairs in course planning.


Presidential signature approval page is on file.
