Jocelyn R. Abron, George S. Cressy, Gabrielle M. Dimaio, Kevin O. Martin
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Evaluating the role that communication plays in an organization achieving its primary goals has been of interest to scholars over the past 30 years. Particularly, Doheny-Farina's (1986) Writing in an Emerging Organization discusses "how social and organizational contexts influence writing and how writing influences the organization"(p. 160). This study aims to observe communication and its roles in this professional academic atmosphere. The group will then develop a proposal to the organization to help them in their communication process. The group will collect written materials, observations of daily and special events, and audio recordings of both Davis Center meetings and interviews with Davis Center members. Written materials collected may include, but are not limited to, the following: center-wide issue-addressing emails from the management team or the Center director; team memos for general information; Center advertising materials meant for nonmember populations; and research reports pertaining to the primary function of the Davis Center's work. Nonintrusive observing of verbal communication among Davis Center members will be noted. Particularly, horizontal and vertical communication within the Center's hierarchy will be evaluated (Spinuzzi, 2007). Audio recordings of anonymous interviews of randomly selected Center members and Center management will be taken for later study. If permitted, audio recordings of full staff Center meetings and special team meetings will also be recorded for study.Expectantly, this study will come to fruition with some proposals for the Davis Center with regard to bettering their communication practices. This group expects to give concrete suggestions for more effective verbal and written communication.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Course Project
Primary Advisor
Amanda J. Wright Cron
Primary Advisor's Department
Stander Symposium project
Recommended Citation
"Research exercise: Observing Communication Practices in the Davis Center for Portfolio Management" (2012). Stander Symposium Projects. 10.
This poster reflects research conducted as part of a course project designed to give students experience in the research process.