President Donald Trump’s Rhetoric and its impact on Students
Lastacia Lanae Patterson
The overall purpose of the study is to look at Former President Trump’s rhetoric and its impact on racial tensions from the viewpoint of College students. This research looked to understand its impact on college students and their thinking about how to overcome racism. The study research consisted of ten questions: 2 collecting basic demographic of the participants, 7 Likert scale questions determining attitudes, and one open-ended question asking for suggestions for reducing racial tensions. . The survey received 28 responses. Eighty-nine percent of all respondents agree or strongly agreed that the election of Donald Trump worsened racial tensions. Almost 80% agreed or strongly agreed that Donald Trump is racist. Also, seventy-one percent agreed or strongly agreed that Donald Trump supports white supremacy. I noticed 8 themes in the open response question. These included education, equality, Laws & policy, Positive Coverage, Diversity, nonviolence, unknown. However, Education, Equality, and Law & policy were most prevalent. In conclusion, this research demonstrates that a strong majority of College students perceived Trump’s rhetoric as racist and they have suggestions on how to reduce racial tensions.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Capstone Project
Primary Advisor
Laura M. Leming
Primary Advisor's Department
Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work
Stander Symposium project, College of Arts and Sciences
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Reduced Inequalities
Recommended Citation
"President Donald Trump’s Rhetoric and its impact on Students" (2021). Stander Symposium Projects. 2241.