Joseph Husting
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Critical Race Theory (CRT) can be broadly defined as a sociocultural framework most often utilized in higher educational institutions that strive to recognize societal structures that promote and reinforce systemic racism in the United States with the goal of reworking said structures. In recent years, there has been a large amount of misinformation spread on CRT, primarily that CRT is harmful to a school child’s development and self-esteem. This project aims to examine what CRT actually looks like in the classroom, why it is important for learning, and how/why interest groups are looking to ban it.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Course Project 202310 EDT 110 H1
Primary Advisor
Vanessa Winn
Primary Advisor's Department
Teacher Education
Stander Symposium, School of Education and Health Sciences
Institutional Learning Goals
Diversity; Critical Evaluation of Our Times; Scholarship
Recommended Citation
"Critical Race Theory in the Classroom" (2023). Stander Symposium Projects. 2984.
Presentation: 3:00-4:15 p.m., Kennedy Union Ballroom