

Laynie Michael Gerhardt, Olivia Grace Gulesano


Presentation: 9:00-10:15, Kennedy Union Ballroom



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Our study aims to fill the gap in the current literature regarding peer and adolescent delinquency. Prior research has emphasized the power of delinquent peers in determining whether or not an adolescent will engage in criminal behavior, whether that may be a first offense or an act of recidivism. However, past literature has not adequately explored the link between parental control, styles, and involvement in their children’s delinquent actions. Our study serves to highlight how parenting styles influence an adolescent’s delinquency by connecting distinctive styles and levels of parental support all while controlling for peer delinquency. In doing this, we used a negative binomial regression model, and were able to determine that parental knowledge, race, and an adolescent’s diversity of social support all had a negative association; that is, they were all significant in lowering the adolescent’s delinquency. This finding was important as studies have determined an association with deviant peers to be key. By incorporating the variable of race, we are serving to close that gap in the current literature as well. In analyzing these aspects, our study determines how race and parenting style influence an adolescent’s delinquency.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Capstone Project

Primary Advisor

Mark A. Morgan

Primary Advisor's Department

Criminal Justice and Security Studies


Stander Symposium, College of Arts and Sciences

How Does Race and Parenting Styles Influence Adolescent Delinquency?
