

Madelyn Clare Moore


Presentation: 9:00-10:15, Kennedy Union Ballroom



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In the wake of great anthropogenic change in the landscape across eastern North America, there is a need for ecological restoration. The decline of the previously dominant oak forests and the need to protect the understory from persistent invasion are of particular interest. There is a current trend of maples overtaking oaks in overall dominance and regeneration with massive consequences for wildlife diversity and human economic activity. Acorns are a major food source in deciduous North American forests, and maple samaras are not an adequate replacement. Beyond the issue of oaks, forest understories are heavily overrun by invasive honeysuckle. Even after its removal, honeysuckle tends to return to its previously invaded sites. It is thought that removing honeysuckle and then filling its niche space with native species may prevent it from reestablishing itself. Ohio buckeye, paw paw, and spicebush are all native understory inhabitants that could protect understories from reinvasion. Paw paw and spicebush have the added benefit of being resistant to deer herbivory. With these issues in mind, the goal of this project is to start up a native sapling repository for key woody species for use in future restoration projects. This project is based in Ginny’s Garden Greenhouse at the University of Dayton and involves seed collection, germination, and sapling management. Native oak species include bur oak, red oak, chinkapin oak, and pin oak. Other species involved include Ohio buckeye, paw paw, and spicebush, with the potential to expand the number of species in the fall. In the future, we may work to collect, germinate, and grow saplings from ancient oaks to further their successful genetics. There is also the potential for experimentation involving sapling success in differing soil qualities and assessing the root systems of saplings grown in differing container sizes.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Independent Research

Primary Advisor

Ryan W. McEwan

Primary Advisor's Department



Stander Symposium, College of Arts and Sciences

Institutional Learning Goals


Growing Radicle: Growing native plant seedlings for changing landscapes
