Carly Joan Olson
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Gifted education is an approach designed to provide students who have been identified as “gifted and talented” with more opportunities to grow and challenge themselves. What these programs look like varies from school to school, with little consistency. The results of this are that children within the program have vastly different experiences and opportunities depending on what their school has in place for gifted students. This review examines the gifted education system as it stands in the 21st century in U.S. schools including the selection processes, requirements for teacher training, impact on students, and evidence of inequality within the system.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Course Project - EDT 110 H1
Primary Advisor
Vanessa G. Winn
Primary Advisor's Department
Teacher Education
Stander Symposium, School of Education and Health Sciences
Recommended Citation
"Gifted Education: How Does it Look in the 21st Century?" (2024). Stander Symposium Projects. 3515.
Presentation: 3:00-4:15, Kennedy Union Ballroom