

Jack R. Dewine, Cameron J. Johnson


Presentation: 9:00-10:15, Kennedy Union Ballroom



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For our research, we were interested in looking into the effects of drug or alcohol treatment programs on prison inmates. Specifically, we were looking at the effects that the treatment programs had on inmate behavior during their time incarcerated. Our research was done by examining the 2004 Survey of Inmates. The main focus of our study revolved around treatment programs and how they affected the behavior of inmates. In this study, we analyzed a multitude of factors, spanning from demographics to how the inmates conducted themselves before and after prison. In terms of demographics, we looked into male and female populations and how they may differ. Behaviors of inmates such as whether or not they went through treatment while imprisoned, whether or not they were charged with a drug offense, and if they were either written up for a drug/alcohol offense while in prison. In terms of actual attendance to treatment programs, our research led us to finding out that 80.9 percent of inmates incarcerated never attended a program. This comes as a surprise considering that our research also revealed to us that 65.72 percent of offenders arrested were in for a drug offense. Only 19.65 percent of those charged with a drug offense were not charged with drug possession. This was telling to us, showing that inmates who would benefit from help were not participating in the treatment programs which may be available. We found that in each model we ran, the sex of an inmate was the most significant in association with being written up for a drug or alcohol violation and that it was mostly men that were being written up. We also found that attending a treatment group before being incarcerated was significant in all models that they were included in. This result told us that if you had gone to a treatment group before prison, you were less likely to receive a write up for a violation.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Capstone Project

Primary Advisor

Mark A. Morgan

Primary Advisor's Department

Criminal Justice and Security Studies


Stander Symposium, College of Arts and Sciences

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Group Effects of Inmate Behavior
