

At the outset, let met me state my particular vantage point for commenting on these two excellent papers. I am not an accomplished Augustine scholar. My personal and professional relationship with Augustine's thought originates in my youth. As a high school senior, my parents gave me as a gift a copy of Augustine's Confessions. Only gradually over the several decades since that time, I have come to realize the hopes and fears that motivated my parents to make the gift. I frequently return to meditatively read that copy which has the layers of highlighting and margin notations tracking one spiritual biography over another. As a professional who dares to prepare teachers for an increasingly complex and violent society, Augustine's life and writings have taught me that all education and development are ultimately spiritual journeys.


Issue contains the subject matter of the 1994 Philosophy Colloquium, which had the theme "Augustine on Human Goodness: Metaphysics, Ethics and Politics." It was held April 7-9, 1994.



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