The University of Dayton Review was published by the University of Dayton mostly three issues a year (spring, summer, fall) from 1964 to 1998. As its title implied, the Review presented articles by individual contributors, all of whom had a connection with the University. These articles were presented on the authority of their authors; neither the editorial board nor the University of Dayton assumed responsibility for the views expressed by these writers. It was sent without charge to the members of the faculty and to alumni, students and friends of the University who requested copies.
See “About this journal” for more information.
Current Issue: Volume 25, Number 1 (1997) Final Issue of University of Dayton Review
Front Matter
Cover and Table of Contents
University of Dayton
University of Dayton
Fourth Annual Humanities Symposium — Becoming a Responsible Self: Autonomy and Responsibility
University of Dayton
Self-Love and Social Are the Same: Reflections on Autonomy, Autobiography, and the Responsible Self
Eugene R. August
Socratic Autonomy and Responsibility in the Apology
Raymond M. Herbenick
John Calvin: Some Reflections on the Man, His Theology and the Issues of Autonomy and Responsibility
William P. Anderson
Jane Addams on Autonomy and Responsibility
Marilyn Fischer
Where Virtue Is Vice, and Vice Versa: The Themes of Autonomy and Responsibility in the Work of Ayn Rand
M. Therese Lysaught
Perspectives on Autonomy and Responsibility in the Writings of Thomas Merton
Joseph Vlcek Kozar S.M.
The Archbishop and a December Rose: The Lives of Monsignor Romero and Jean Donovan as Examples of Christian Discipleship
Janis L. Krugh
On Archbishop Romero and Some Aspects of Autonomy
Xavier O. Monasterio
Autonomy, Responsibility and Human Maturity
Bruce M. Taylor