"Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way: Augustine on the Good Will’s Orig" by Marianne Djuth


In a memorable passage in Confessions I, Augustine ponders the significance of the delight he once experienced as a child upon hearing the story of Aeneas' wanderings and Dido's woeful demise brought about on account of her love for Aeneas. Viewed from the perspective of his youth, Augustine's recollection provides a glimpse into the powerful effect that this pagan narrative had on the development of his sense of self as a fourth century North African. Now, in the Confessions (401), as the older and wiser bishop of Hippo, Augustine laments the experience of delight that not only induced in him a forgetfulness of his own wanderings away from God but also occasioned the death of his soul from the absence of any love for God


Issue contains the subject matter of the 1994 Philosophy Colloquium, which had the theme "Augustine on Human Goodness: Metaphysics, Ethics and Politics." It was held April 7-9, 1994.



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