"Convergence and Emergence: Scientific Research and the Earth Community" by Donald R. Geiger


As I reflect on the four decades of my career as a professional biologist I am impressed how key events in my life have converged-scientific research, outreach projects and encounters with influential educators and seminal thinkers, all in the context of my Catholic and Marianist commitment. Out of the synthesis has emerged an ethic that guides my life toward greater harmony with the earth.

How I view the earth continues to change profoundly. Analysis yields to synthesis, appreciation of interconnectedness of the whole earth community replaces a hierarchical view of nature, fascination with specific organisms gives way to wonder at ecosystems and the ecosphere, awe with earth's mysteries supplants my taking earth for granted. And, with these changes comes a shift in how I see myself in relation to earth. Earth as object gives way to the earth community as subject, earth as revelation succeeds earth as means, knowing-to-love replaces knowledge-as-power, mastering the earth and nature gives way to promoting emergence of earth's potential. The immanence of God is increasingly revealed to me in the life of the earth community. Many circumstances have contributed to this emergence, particularly the practice of science and events that helped me grow to appreciate nature more deeply.


The first annual Humanities Symposium was held Feb. 28-March 1, 1994. The Humanities Symposium was part of "Viva Humanitas," a yearlong series of programs celebrating the opening of the Jesse Philips Humanities Center in August 1993.



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