

Dorothy Day's life could very well provide the "what if" counterpoint to Flannery O'Connor's Misfit. What if the Misfit had chosen the other path, that of belief rather than unbelief? Then Dorothy Day could very well have been one of Flannery O'Connor's mystifying protagonists who in this case held as total a commitment to Jesus as the Misfit did to "meanness." The epithet "Misfit" would remain apropos for Day, perhaps as a title of honor rather than ignominy, but nevertheless remain, because her faith in Christ evades the neat categories assumed to apply to devout twentieth century "pre-Vatican II Catholics."


The first annual Humanities Symposium was held Feb. 28-March 1, 1994. The Humanities Symposium was part of "Viva Humanitas," a yearlong series of programs celebrating the opening of the Jesse Philips Humanities Center in August 1993.



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