"Editor's Page, Volume 1" by Amir Kalan
Undergraduate Voices

Document Type

Editor's Page

Publication Date


Publication Source

Undergraduate Voices




University of Dayton

Inclusive pages



First-year undergraduate composition is often dominated by pedagogical practices that focus on persuasive writing and the rhetoric of assertion. Rooted in Anglo-American essayist literacy, college writing is traditionally treated as reporting facts in order to argue cases. In my writing seminars, my students and I decided to resist this dominant approach by employing writing to make sense of ourselves and the world around us. I invited the students to use writing as an epistemological medium in which students could think about their intended majors to comprehend the complexities involved in the disciplines and professions that they were about to enter. In this sense, we did not examine our textual products for their technical quality only, but we used writing as a tool for exploration and speculation; as a space where students were allowed to doubt and ask questions as well as prove and debate opinions.


Arts and Humanities | Digital Humanities | Rhetoric and Composition



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