Undergraduate Voices | Department of English | University of Dayton
Undergraduate Voices

Undergraduate Voices is a series showcasing student writing created in University of Dayton writing seminars conducted by Amir Kalan. The articles highlight the humanities sides of the students’ intended majors, reflecting the ethical, sociocultural, and historical dimensions of their disciplines to complement the technical education they receive in specialized courses.

Accordingly, in these seminars, the students are invited to use writing as an epistemological tool to learn about the fields they are about to enter; they at the same time write as a form of social action to create awareness in their community and to sensitize their peers and instructors to the human and power relational aspects of science and technology education.

Photo by Inbal Marilli from Unsplash; image is provided in compliance with the Unsplash user license.


Complete Volume


Undergraduate Voices, Volume 1 (2018): Addendum, Amir Kalan


Undergraduate Voices, Volume 1 (2018), Amir Kalan

Editor's Page


Editor's Page, Volume 1, Amir Kalan

Literature Reviews


Discrimination against Women in the Field of Engineering, Julia Weber


Formal and Informal Undergraduate Ethics Education in Engineering, Grace Ports

Research Articles


Uncovered Truths of the Inequalities Encountered by Female Educators, Rachel Katoll


"Whole-Brained" Engineering Education in Undergraduate Studies at the University of Dayton, Kylie Moellering


Positive Effects of Sustainability in Buisness, Matt Westman


Engineering's Effects on Communities through an Ethical Framework, Bailey A. Reid


Ethics Education in Engineering: Practices on and off the Campus, Katherine Theis


Advocating for More Experiential Learning Strategies in Medical School, Seth D. Adams


Sustainability in Chemical Engineering, Alec T. Raber

Research Reflections


The People and Purpose of Business: The Philosophical View of the Workings of a Corporation from a First-Year Business Student, Jared Beach