Document Type
Research Article
Instructor's Name
Amir Kalan
Semester in which course was taken
Year in which course was taken
Publication Date
University of Dayton
Inclusive pages
This inquiry is a case study which explores, explicates, and summarizes the recent shift to “whole-brained” engineering education for undergraduate-level students at the University of Dayton. This case study is primarily structured around the experiences and insights of an interviewee, Dr. Ken Bloemer, who is the Director of the Visioneering Center at the University of Dayton. The Visioneering Center is principally focused on promoting the progress of engineering education at the university. Voices from scholarly literature pertaining to this vision and other undergraduate engineering curricula are then used to reinforce the interviewee’s views and give deeper insight into the various aspects of the changing engineering education format.
This article is constructed around an interview with Dr. Ken Bloemer, who is the Director of the Innovation Center at the University of Dayton. The main concept of “whole-brained” engineering and the following subtopics, Cultivating Creativity in the Classroom, Fostering Innovation Ideals in the Engineering Design Process, and Implementing Diversity of Thought into Engineering Team Dynamics stem from this interview. The main and subtopics and supported with information from academic literature reviews, academic journals, research regarding the topic, and curricula from other schools with undergraduate-level engineering programs.
Whole-brained, Engineering, Art. Right Brain, Left Brain, University of Dayton, Transformation, Education
Engineering | Rhetoric and Composition
eCommons Citation
Moellering, Kylie, ""Whole-Brained" Engineering Education in Undergraduate Studies at the University of Dayton" (2018). Undergraduate Voices. 12.
This research paper could not be made possible without the help of Professor Amir Kalan, from the University of Dayton.