To view information about presenters and their research, click on a research session. Note: Most of the documents available for download are abstracts of working papers that have not yet been published. To read the full papers or to discover the published versions, contact the authors.
To browse all of the papers accepted for presentation, click here >>>.
2015 | ||
Friday, October 2nd | ||
8:45 AM |
1700 South Patterson Building; see printed schedule for room number 8:45 AM - 10:15 AM |
10:30 AM |
1700 South Patterson Building; see printed schedule for room number 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM |
1:00 PM |
Roundtable: Does All Human-Rights Funding Use a Human Rights-based Approach? Matthew Hart, The Lafayette Practice 1700 South Patterson Building; see printed schedule for room number 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM In this session, presenters and attendees will discuss different dimensions of the question, "Does All Human-Rights Funding Use a Human Rights-based Approach?" In the U.S., grant strategies and decisions have historically been made by individuals and funders behind closed doors, with little transparency and accountability. Grant seekers, not to mention the public at large, have rarely had insight into how those decisions are made or any influence on the process. What criteria are they using? To whom are they accountable? And how do they make their decisions about what and who they are going to fund? Replacing traditional hierarchical models of funding, participatory grantmaking applies a human rights-based approach to how funding is determined and who makes the funding decisions. The emphasis is on the practice as well as on the impact of the funds. In this participatory panel presentation, moderated by a staff person from the International Human Rights Funders Group (IHRFG), panelists and audience will explore a range of models for transforming the relationship of social justice actors with funders. |
2:15 PM |
1700 South Patterson Building; see printed schedule for room number 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM |
4:00 PM |
1700 South Patterson Building; see printed schedule for room number 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM |
5:45 PM |
Presentation: Malawi Research Practicum Richard K. Ghere, University of Dayton Auditorium, 1700 South Patterson Building 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM To train future human rights advocates and development professionals, the University of Dayton Department of Political Science sponsors an applied research practicum for undergraduate students in Malawi. Working closely with Determined to Develop, a Karonga-based NGO founded and directed by the University of Dayton alumnus Matt Maroon '06, practicum students spend eight weeks living, learning, and serving in the northern region of Malawi. Mr. Maroon serves as the practicum’s in-country coordinator and hosts the students at his economic development lodge, Maji Zuwa. Working closely with the local community leaders and organizations and other Malawian university students, each practicum student designs and conducts a research project on a critical human rights or development issue. This research provides the community and leaders with much needed analytics and affords the students invaluable – indeed, life changing – experiences and opportunities to learn from the Malawians. Research topics have included the assessment and analysis of:
7:45 PM |
Keynote Address: César Rodriguez Garavito, Dejusticia César Rodriguez Garavito, Dejusticia University of Dayton River Campus 7:45 PM - 9:00 PM For more information on Dejusticia, see the organization website >>>. |