Paper/Proposal Title
Presentation: Malawi Research Practicum
Auditorium, 1700 South Patterson Building
Event Website
Start Date
10-2-2015 5:45 PM
End Date
10-2-2015 6:30 PM
To train future human rights advocates and development professionals, the University of Dayton Department of Political Science sponsors an applied research practicum for undergraduate students in Malawi. Working closely with Determined to Develop, a Karonga-based NGO founded and directed by the University of Dayton alumnus Matt Maroon '06, practicum students spend eight weeks living, learning, and serving in the northern region of Malawi.
Mr. Maroon serves as the practicum’s in-country coordinator and hosts the students at his economic development lodge, Maji Zuwa. Working closely with the local community leaders and organizations and other Malawian university students, each practicum student designs and conducts a research project on a critical human rights or development issue. This research provides the community and leaders with much needed analytics and affords the students invaluable – indeed, life changing – experiences and opportunities to learn from the Malawians.
Research topics have included the assessment and analysis of:
- Secondary education needs
- Gender mainstreaming and women’s empowerment techniques in community building
- Water security in rural settings
- The right to grieve and the psychology of orphan care
- Impact of macroeconomics on rural businesses and development projects
- Teacher training and educational access
- Life skills education for girls
Presentation: Malawi Research Practicum
Auditorium, 1700 South Patterson Building
To train future human rights advocates and development professionals, the University of Dayton Department of Political Science sponsors an applied research practicum for undergraduate students in Malawi. Working closely with Determined to Develop, a Karonga-based NGO founded and directed by the University of Dayton alumnus Matt Maroon '06, practicum students spend eight weeks living, learning, and serving in the northern region of Malawi.
Mr. Maroon serves as the practicum’s in-country coordinator and hosts the students at his economic development lodge, Maji Zuwa. Working closely with the local community leaders and organizations and other Malawian university students, each practicum student designs and conducts a research project on a critical human rights or development issue. This research provides the community and leaders with much needed analytics and affords the students invaluable – indeed, life changing – experiences and opportunities to learn from the Malawians.
Research topics have included the assessment and analysis of:
- Secondary education needs
- Gender mainstreaming and women’s empowerment techniques in community building
- Water security in rural settings
- The right to grieve and the psychology of orphan care
- Impact of macroeconomics on rural businesses and development projects
- Teacher training and educational access
- Life skills education for girls