Publication Information
From Three Dunbar Verses op.126, no.1 (1999)
Original Listing
Paul Laurence Dunbar, Compensation
Biographical Information
(b. 1982) Carson P. Cooman's music has been performed on all six inhabited continents in venues that range from the stage of Carnegie Hall to the basket of a hot-air balloon. His work appears on over 40 recordings, including 20 complete CDs. His primary composition studies were with Bernard Rands, Judith Weir, Alan Fletcher, and James Willey. As an active concert organist, Cooman specializes in the performance of contemporary music. Cooman is also a writer on musical subjects. He is an active consultant to composers and performing organizations, specializing particularly in composer estates and archives.
Recommended Citation
Cooman, Carson P., "Compensation" (1999). Dunbar Music Archive. 107.