Come Away to Dreaming Town (voice and piano)
Publication Information
Original Listing
Paul Laurence Dunbar, Dreamin' Town
Biographical Information
(1881-1946) Charles Wakefield Cadman from Johnstown, Pennsylvania, played a large role in the American Folk movement. He studied harmony, theory, and orchestration with Luigi von Kunits and Emil Paur. In 1917, he lived in California, and in 1924, received a doctorate in music from the University of Southern California. Cadman was a music critic for the Pittsburgh Dispatch and performed as an accompanist and conductor at the start of his career before turning his attention to composition. His opera Shanewis (1918) was the first work on an American theme to be performed at the Metropolitan Opera and the first to be successful enough to have repeat performances the following year.
Recommended Citation
Cadman, Charles Wakefield, "Come Away to Dreaming Town (voice and piano)" (1905). Dunbar Music Archive. 117.