Faculty in the University of Dayton Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering address a variety of topics in their scholarly work, often with grant support from federal agencies, corporations, and private foundations. This collection provides a sampling of their work.


Submissions from 1993


Propagational Model of Second/Sub Harmonic Generation in a Ring Cavity, Pawel Pliszka and Partha P. Banerjee


Self-phase Modulation in Quadratically Nonlinear Media, Pawel Pliszka and Partha P. Banerjee


Two-Dimensional Strong, Acousto-Optic Interaction between Arbitrary Light and Sound Profiles: A Fourier Transform Approach, Chen-Wen Tarn, Partha P. Banerjee, and Adrianus Korpel

Submissions from 1992


Response of an Acousto-Optic Device with Feedback to Time-Varying Inputs, Partha P. Banerjee, Uday Banerjee, and Harvey Kaplan


Interaction of Profiled Light with Contrapropagating Acoustic Waves: Fourier Transform Approach, Partha P. Banerjee, Chen-Wen Tarn, and Jaw-Jueh Liu


Translation of 'Kamalakanta: A Collection of Satirical Essays and Reflections', Monish Ranjan Chatterjee


Demonstration of Acousto-optic Bistability and Chaos by Direct Nonlinear Circuit Modeling, Monish Ranjan Chatterjee and Jr-Jen Huang


General Integral Formalism for Acousto-optic and Holographic Bragg Scattering for Arbitrary Profiles and Orientations, S. Min and Monish Ranjan Chatterjee


Analysis of Multifrequency Dispersive Optical Bistability and Switching in Nonlinear Ring Cavities with Large Medium-Response Times, Pawel Pliszka and Partha P. Banerjee


Noise Analysis of Photorefractive Holograms Under Gaussian Beam Illumination, Q. W. Song, Partha P. Banerjee, Jaw-Jueh Liu, and Anjan K. Ghosh

Submissions from 1991


Implicit Solitary Wave Solutions of the Generalized Magma Equation, Partha P. Banerjee, Partha P. Banerjee, and Monish Ranjan Chatterjee


Propagation of Profiled Optical Beams through Kerr Media, Partha P. Banerjee and Raj M. Misra


Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Propagation of Beams through a Finite Sample of a Cubically Nonlinear Material, Partha P. Banerjee, Raj M. Misra, and M. Maghraoui


Perturbation Analysis of Transient Diffraction Efficiency of Photorefractive Materials, Partha P. Banerjee, Q. W. Song, and J. J. Liu


A Fourier Transform Approach to Acoustooptic Interactions in the Presence of Propagational Diffraction, Partha P. Banerjee and Chen-Wen Tarn


Coherent Parametric Echoes in Nonlinear Resonator Ensembles, Monish Ranjan Chatterjee and Partha P. Banerjee


Second-Harmonic Generation in an Optical Medium with Second- and Third-Order Nonlinear Susceptibilities, Wonha Choe, Partha P. Banerjee, and Frank C. Caimi


Ranking in Rp and Its Use in Multivariate Image Estimation, Russell C. Hardie and Gonzalo R. Arce


An Exact Solution to the Spatial Evolution of a Carrier and a Pair of Side-Bands in a Cubically Nonlinear Medium, M. Maghraoui and Partha P. Banerjee


A Spatio-Temporal Fourier-Transform Approach to Acousto-Optic Interaction of Light Beams with CW and Pulsed Ultrasonic Waves, Chen-Wen Tarn and Partha P. Banerjee

Submissions from 1990


Exploration Of Optical Propagation In A Nonlinear Dispersive Medium Based On An Incommensurate Spectral Formalism, Partha P. Banerjee and Monish Ranjan Chatterjee


Spectral Approach to Optical Propagation across a Linear–Nonlinear Interface, Partha P. Banerjee, Monish Ranjan Chatterjee, and M. Maghraoui


A Straightforward Method for Finding Implicit Solitary Wave Solutions of Nonlinear Evolution and Wave Equations, Partha P. Banerjee, Faker Daoud, and Willy Hereman


On a Simple Derivation of the Fresnel Diffraction Formula and a Transfer Function Approach to Wave Propagation, Partha P. Banerjee and Ting-Chung Poon


Derivation of Impulse Response and Transfer Function of an Optical Fiber under Chromatic Dispersion and Application to a Linear Fiber-optic Communication System, Monish Ranjan Chatterjee and Leon S. Green