Faculty in the University of Dayton Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering address a variety of topics in their scholarly work, often with grant support from federal agencies, corporations, and private foundations. This collection provides a sampling of their work.


Submissions from 1990


Transfer Function Formalism for Strong Acousto-Optic Bragg Diffraction of Light Beams with Arbitrary Profiles, Monish Ranjan Chatterjee, Ting-Chung Poon, and D. N. Sitter

Submissions from 1989


Theory of Hysteresis and Bistability during Transmission through a Linear Nondispersive–Nonlinear Dispersive Interface, G. Cao and Partha P. Banerjee


Phenomenological Description of Dynamic and Static Coherent Optical Effects using Triple Products, Monish Ranjan Chatterjee


Enhancement of Parametric Nonlinear Echo by Linear Echo Reduction Using Incommensurate Resonator Frequencies, Monish Ranjan Chatterjee, Partha P. Banerjee, and Leon S. Green


Rayleigh-Ritz Optimization of the Structure Function for a Kolmogorov Power Density and an Approximate Analytical Solution for the Two-Point Electric Field Correlation Function, Monish Ranjan Chatterjee, Lauren H. Quinn, Partha P. Banerjee, and Ting-Chung Poon


Derivation and Implicit Solution of the Harry Dym Equation and its Connections with the Korteweg-de Vries Equation, Willy Hereman, Partha P. Banerjee, and Monish Ranjan Chatterjee

Submissions from 1988


Periodic and Aperiodic Solitary Wave Solutions of the Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Equation without Dispersion, Partha P. Banerjee and G. Cao


Design of a Pipelined Optical Binary Processor, Partha P. Banerjee and Arif Ghafoor


Interaction of Baseband and Envelope Solitary Wave Solutions of the Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Equation with Dispersion, G. Cao and Partha P. Banerjee


On the Usefulness of the SPICE Simulation Program in the Prediction of Anomalous Behavior in Complex Nonlinear Circuits, Monish Ranjan Chatterjee


Simulation of Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Envelope Pulse Dynamics by a Two-Step Spatiotemporal Angular Spectrum Method, H. K. Sim, Adrianus Korpel, Karl E. Lonngren, and Partha P. Banerjee

Submissions from 1986


A Simplified Approach to Solving Nonlinear Dispersive Equations using a Power Series Method, Partha P. Banerjee


Wave Propagation in Nonlinear Dispersive Media, Partha P. Banerjee


Design of a Topologically Dispersive Acoustic Soliton Tank, Partha P. Banerjee and Adrianus Korpel


Reflection and Collision of Solitary Wave Solutions of the Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Equation, Partha P. Banerjee, H. K. Sim, and Adrianus Korpel


Exact Solitary Wave Solutions of Nonlinear Evolution and Wave Equations using a Direct Algebraic Method, Willy Hereman, Partha P. Banerjee, Adrianus Korpel, Gaetano Assanto, A. Van Immerzeele, and A. Meerpoel


Split-Step-Type Angular Plane-Wave Spectrum Method for the Study of Self-Refractive Effects in Nonlinear Wave Propagation, Adrianus Korpel, Karl E. Lonngren, Partha P. Banerjee, H. K. Sim, and Monish Ranjan Chatterjee


Multiple Plane-Wave Analysis of Acousto-Optic Diffraction by Adjacent Ultrasonic Beams of Frequency Ratio 1:m, Ting-Chung Poon, Monish Ranjan Chatterjee, and Partha P. Banerjee

Submissions from 1985


A Simple Derivation of the Fresnel Diffraction Formula, Partha P. Banerjee


Investigation of Electronic Holography using SPICE Computer Simulation Experiments, Monish Ranjan Chatterjee


A General Physical Approach to Solitary Wave Construction from Linear Solutions, Willy Hereman, Adrianus Korpel, and Partha P. Banerjee


Analysis of Acoustooptic Diffraction by Adjacent Ultrasonic Beams Using Multiple Plane-Wave Scattering Techniques, Ting-Chung Poon, Partha P. Banerjee, and Monish Ranjan Chatterjee

Submissions from 1984


A Heuristic Guide to Nonlinear Dispersive Wave Equations and Soliton-Type Solutions, Adrianus Korpel and Partha P. Banerjee

Submissions from 1983


Self‐Refraction of Nonlinear Capillary‐Gravity Waves, Partha P. Banerjee, Adrianus Korpel, and Karl E. Lonngren

Submissions from 1982


Subharmonic Generation by Resonant Three‐Wave Interaction of Deep‐Water Capillary Waves, Partha P. Banerjee and Adrianus Korpel