Faith and Religion | 2013 — The Social Practice of Human Rights (Inaugural Conference)

Discussant: Kelly Johnson, University of Dayton


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Friday, October 4th
9:30 AM

Human Rights, Sexual Rights, the Muslim World, and Why ‘Pushing the Envelope’ Is Essential to Human Rights’ Global Resonance

Anthony Tirado Chase, Occidental College

River Campus - Room 2080

9:30 AM

Bridging the Religious-Secular Divide within Transnational Women’s Movements? Muslim-Western Partnerships for Women’s Rights

Sheherazade Jafari, American University

River Campus - Room 2080

9:30 AM

Universal Truths Encounter the Pragmatism of Modern Medicine: Application of the Principle of Subsidiarity

David Plevak, Mayo Clinic School of Medicine

River Campus - Room 2080

9:30 AM

Good Freedom: Code of Conduct for Religious Institutions, Faith Communities, and Faith Communities for Their Work with Survivors of Forced Labour, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery

Yvonne Zimmerman, Methodist Theological School - Ohio

River Campus - Room 2080

9:30 AM