Witnessing through Visual Media | 2013 — The Social Practice of Human Rights (Inaugural Conference)

Discussant: Lena Khor, Lawrence University


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Friday, October 4th
3:15 PM

Savage, Victim, Savior: Human Rights and Visual Culture in the Rohingya Crisis of Burma/Myanmar

Lisa Brooten, Southern Illinois University
Syed Irfan Ashraf, Southern Illinois University

River Campus - Room M2006

3:15 PM

Eyes in the Sky: Satellite Technology and Human Rights

Virginia Dixon, Columbia University

River Campus - Room M2006

3:15 PM

Photojournalism and War Crimes: Ethical and Humanistic Limits

Keith Doubt, Wittenberg University

River Campus - Room M2006

3:15 PM

Collaborative Advocacy: What Effects does the Visual Documentation have on Social Relations? The Case study of Human Rights Organization B'Tselem in Israel-Palestine

Ruthie Ginsburg, Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design (Israel)

River Campus - Room M2006

3:15 PM

Exploring the Practice of Human Rights Media Advocacy: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Information Politics

Joel R. Pruce, University of Dayton

River Campus - Room M2006

3:15 PM