Presenter/Author Information

Kudzai Chimhangwa, Global Voices


Kennedy Union 207 (on UD's main campus)

Start Date

11-4-2023 8:30 AM

End Date

11-4-2023 9:45 AM


This study builds on years of research by Global Voices on the intersection between authoritarianism, lawfare and digital technologies. The central thesis holds that it is not that Zimbabwe is incapable of being democratic but rather, owing to political expediency, has chosen not to be, creating a hostile environment for digital and human rights instead. Systematic looting and mortgaging of mineral resources to countries like China and Russia over decades have created a haven for institutionalized corruption and more importantly, a culture of impunity, intolerance for dissenting voices and disregard for free and fair electoral processes. Digital authoritarianism manifests itself in the form of crackdowns on the press and free expression by citizens on digital communication platforms. The government continues to craft a series of repressive policies and laws aimed at whittling down civic space, against the letter and spirit of rights enshrined in the 2013 constitution. The laws have had a chilling effect on the media and led to self-censorship on matters of public interest, as various acts of speech are criminalized.


Nov 4th, 8:30 AM Nov 4th, 9:45 AM

Silenced Echoes: Unraveling Digital Authoritarianism's Grip on Zimbabwe's Civic Space and the Battle for Freedom of Expression

Kennedy Union 207 (on UD's main campus)

This study builds on years of research by Global Voices on the intersection between authoritarianism, lawfare and digital technologies. The central thesis holds that it is not that Zimbabwe is incapable of being democratic but rather, owing to political expediency, has chosen not to be, creating a hostile environment for digital and human rights instead. Systematic looting and mortgaging of mineral resources to countries like China and Russia over decades have created a haven for institutionalized corruption and more importantly, a culture of impunity, intolerance for dissenting voices and disregard for free and fair electoral processes. Digital authoritarianism manifests itself in the form of crackdowns on the press and free expression by citizens on digital communication platforms. The government continues to craft a series of repressive policies and laws aimed at whittling down civic space, against the letter and spirit of rights enshrined in the 2013 constitution. The laws have had a chilling effect on the media and led to self-censorship on matters of public interest, as various acts of speech are criminalized.