Document Type

Exhibit Material

Publication Date


Place of Publication

Dayton, OH


A world-premiere installation retail experience that tackles the historically weighted word "ghetto" through a subverted commercial lens with the goal to take the commercialized aspects of use of the word and turn it into a socio/political/economic commentary.

Included in this collection are the information booklet supporting the creating of the installation; the exhibition catalog inspired by the annual Neiman Marcus Fantasy Christmas catalogs; and a copy of the installation takeaway for visitors of the installation.


diversity, inclusivity, equity, slang, social consciousness, fashion, art, installation, exhibition


Curriculum and Instruction | Educational Leadership | Scholarship of Teaching and Learning | Vocational Education

GHETTOcatalog-ArtStreet-2015.pdf (4127 kB)
Installation Catalog

GHETTO takeaway.pdf (70 kB)



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