"Chapter III — The Ethiopian Forces of Survival" by Messay Kebede
Ethiopian Modernization: Opportunities and Derailments



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To account for the protracted endurance of Ethiopia, the last chapter hinted at two requisites, namely, a system of power suited for defense and the sense of shouldering a mandate. Such a successful record, in addition to presupposing a robust and effective ability for self-defense, necessitates a leadership that feels entrusted with a mission. From a cursory examination of Ethiopian history, one can confidently surmise that, at least until the overthrow of the last emperor, Ethiopia survived for so long thanks to a system of power that was protective of survival and bearer of a mission. The system rested on three interacting pillars: the imperial throne, the church, and the nobility. Let us review their inner workings and interconnections.

Publication Date



Dayton, OH


Africana Studies | Philosophy


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Chapter III — The Ethiopian Forces of Survival