About the Presenter(s)
Tiffany Taylor Smith, Executive Director for Inclusive Excellence Education and Professional Development , Office of Diversity and Inclusion Leslie Picca, Professor of Sociology and Roesch Endowed Chair in the Social Sciences, Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work
Start Date
8-1-2021 10:00 AM
End Date
8-1-2021 10:45 AM
In this session, we share our experiences and best practices in discussing issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (e.g., systemic racism, intersectionality) in a completely remote setting. We discuss our experiences in "educating the educators" in offering Inclusive Excellence Academy (IEA) sessions, presentations to various units across campus, as well as participating in the "Equity Now!" training sessions through the University of Southern California. In this session, participants may share the opportunities and challenges in educating for DE&I in the age of Zoom.
Goals for Attendees
To explore opportunities and challenges in educating for diversity, equity, and inclusion in a completely remote environment
Unedited Transcript
Forum Slides-Educating the Educators.pdf.pdf (1185 kB)
Slides from Presentation
Educating the Educators: Leaning In to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Age of Zoom
In this session, we share our experiences and best practices in discussing issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (e.g., systemic racism, intersectionality) in a completely remote setting. We discuss our experiences in "educating the educators" in offering Inclusive Excellence Academy (IEA) sessions, presentations to various units across campus, as well as participating in the "Equity Now!" training sessions through the University of Southern California. In this session, participants may share the opportunities and challenges in educating for DE&I in the age of Zoom.
The slide presentation used by the authors at the forum is available below as a supplemental file. It must be cited appropriately. An unedited transcript is also available.