2021 — Adapting to the Signs of the Times: Responding to the New Realities of Higher Education | Learning Teaching Forum

The 2021 Learning Teaching Forum  — 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, Jan.  8 — explored the most important lessons that educators at the University of Dayton learned about teaching and learning amid the myriad social, economic and health challenges that 2020 brought. It provided an important opportunity to pause and reflect with colleagues on the learning and teaching conditions weexperienced and those we face in the next semesters.

Each presentation contained a link to a Zoom session.

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Friday, January 8th
9:00 AM

Opening Session

James Fitz, University of Dayton
Deborah J. Bickford, University of Dayton
Eric F. Spina, University of Dayton
Paul H. Benson, University of Dayton

9:00 AM - 9:20 AM

Opening prayer by Father Jim Fitz, S.M., Vice President for Mission and Rector.

Additional Remarks by Deborah Bickford, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs and Learning Initiatives (AALI); Eric F. Spina, President; Paul H. Benson, Provost.

9:20 AM

Keynote Address: Inclusive Teaching for the Common Good in Uncommon Times

Lawrence Burnley, University of Dayton

9:20 AM - 9:40 AM

9:40 AM

Learning Teaching Forum Committee Comments

Karen Lovett, University of Dayton

9:40 AM - 9:45 AM

10:00 AM

A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats: Enhancing Our Collective Impact through UD’s FlexTeaching Listserv

Julianne Morgan, University of Dayton
Ryan Allen, University of Dayton
Kent Darr, University of Dayton

10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Started in July 2020, the UD Flexible Teaching listserv quickly attracted over 200 readers and about 150 conversations. You helped each other answer questions about how best to take attendance in a blended class. You helped each other figure out how to best mount a phone to create a makeshift document camera with resources you have at home. You helped each other find the best app to recommend to students for scanning in written work.

You shared your teaching expertise, your tips and tricks, your strategies for managing your time — all with other instructors you may not even know. It was a time of isolation and quarantine, but the connections built and lessons shared from this group of educators made UD’s community shine brighter than ever.

Let’s keep this up for the spring semester and beyond. How might we better serve each other and share our knowledge as we continue teaching and learning in these unprecedented times?

10:00 AM

Active Learning in a Socially Distanced, Blended Classroom

Rydge Mulford, University of Dayton

10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Active learning, or engaging students with your material using discussion, role playing, group work, etc., is a well-accepted method of classroom instruction at the University of Dayton. However, many active-learning activities were developed under the assumption that students are sitting in a common space without required social-distancing. How do we adapt active learning and teaching methods to account for a blended classroom (simultaneously online and in person) with social distancing? How are students supposed to work in groups? How should the instructor manage in-person and online groups at the same time? What is the ideal size for an online group as opposed to an in-person group? In this session, participates will engage in group discussion to brainstorm ideas and share experiences from the previous semester.

10:00 AM

Building On-Campus Partnerships for Hands-On Learning, Developing Local Knowledge and Care for our Common Home: Campus as Lab

Leah Ceperley, University of Dayton
Katie Schoenenberger, University of Dayton
Andrew Rettig, University of Dayton
John Clarke, University of Dayton
Izzy Schutte, University of Dayton

10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

The campus landscape provides hands-on, local opportunities for students to conduct research, address challenges, and develop strategies for real-world learning and change. The sustainability office in Facilities Management has received an increase in inquiries this semester from faculty and staff looking for ways to engage students on campus in meaningful ways. This panel discussion includes a survey of ongoing projects and opportunities for new collaborations that keep students on campus and contributing to their University home.

10:00 AM

Educating the Educators: Leaning In to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Age of Zoom

Tiffany Taylor Smith, University of Dayton
Leslie H. Picca, University of Dayton

10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

In this session, we share our experiences and best practices in discussing issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (e.g., systemic racism, intersectionality) in a completely remote setting. We discuss our experiences in "educating the educators" in offering Inclusive Excellence Academy (IEA) sessions, presentations to various units across campus, as well as participating in the "Equity Now!" training sessions through the University of Southern California. In this session, participants may share the opportunities and challenges in educating for DE&I in the age of Zoom.

10:00 AM

Is the Physical Classroom Still Important or Needed?

Mike Puckett, University of Dayton
Arthur J. Jipson, University of Dayton
Anya Galli Robertson, University of Dayton
Kevin Hallinan, University of Dayton

10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

The pandemic has brought about great change in educational practices, especially in physical learning spaces. Things aren’t the way they used to be (in the classroom). This session will be an open dialogue about things we’ve learned as we rethink how the physical classroom experience adds (or doesn’t add) to the teaching and learning experience in this new era. We will touch on the value of space prior to the pandemic and what was lost when we went virtual, and we will reassess the importance of physical space in the new “normal” with social distancing and blended learning. How can we do better in the classroom? Or are we ready to leave the classroom behind?

10:00 AM

Remote Learning for Science Laboratory Courses

Yvonne Sun, University of Dayton
Casey Michael Hanley
Susan Klosterman, University of Dayton
Elizabeth Smith, University of Dayton

10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Science labs are designed to provide hands-on experiential learning for students to gain practical knowledge of their disciplines. However, a global pandemic brought forth obstacles that challenged us to quickly reimagine and develop science labs that are available to students in and out of the classroom. In this session, we will share our experiences diversifying teaching modalities for lab classes in biology, geology, and physics to accomplish course learning objectives. We will discuss rationales for our decisions, provide student feedback, and identify potential resources to ensure course quality and student accessibility. Through identifying shared challenges and unique solutions, we hope to start the campus conversation on the future of science labs.

11:00 AM

Adaptation and Change: Answering the Challenge Brought by COVID-19 with New and Adapted Student Programs in Social Justice

Mary Niebler, University of Dayton
Meaghan Crowley, University of Dayton
Samantha Kennedy, University of Dayton

11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

This session will look at some creative ways the panelists worked together to continue to provide reflective, educational, and prayerful social justice-based programming for students while adapting to COVID-19 restrictions. Answering the need for anti-racist education, the Awaken Retreat was created, allowing students an opportunity to explore how their faith calls them to be anti-racist. The Center for Social Concern’s long-standing REAL Dayton experience was still able to connect students to the cty of Dayton while keeping everyone safe. Finally, 2020 also called for education on the elections; the Vox Retreat, available to students through downloadable modules, allowed participants to learn how to use their voice this election year, guided by their faith or personal values. The presenters will share the joys and challenges of creating and adapting these programs during this very different year.

11:00 AM

Critical Thinking Skills

Kevin Retz, University of Dayton

11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

What is critical thinking, and how we can use critical thinking skills in our daily lives at work, in the class room, and in daily activities? Critical thinking skills are not just for engineers or scientists; everybody can develop, use, and benefit from using critical thinking.

11:00 AM

Exploring Vocation In Uncertain Times: Finding Meaning in a World of Ambiguity

Adrienne Ausdenmoore, University of Dayton

11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

2020 has been a year of disruption. We have all faced new challenges in our lives and careers that are enough to make us question our priorities and sense of purpose, and the future presents many unknowns. How can we use this time as an opportunity to revisit our own vocational journey? And when students look to us for guidance, are we willing to admit that we don’t have it all figured out? Join this interactive session to explore the ways we teach and learn with our students to be adaptable and resilient in an ever-changing world.

11:00 AM

Green Zone Training: Military and Veteran Students in the Classroom

Samuel Surowitz

11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

This session will discuss the student veteran experience and how faculty and staff can foster positive and meaningful participation with veteran and military-affiliated students.

We will discuss structures for supporting students; stigmas; specific challenges that veteran students face; and how veterans can bring diverse backgrounds and perspectives to our classrooms. We’ll also discuss how educating veterans is part and parcel to our mission and critical for our success as an institution.

11:00 AM

Incorporating Dialogue into One's Courses

Jason E. Combs, University of Dayton

11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

In this program, we will explore how instructors can incorporate dialogue into their courses. Dialogue has many benefits in a classroom. It allows students to develop a personalized understanding of course content, often in light of specific personal and social identities. It encourages a sense of agency and responsibility among participants in a world that often engenders passivity. It provides an opportunity for students to examine the controversies within a field of knowledge or social situation and supports the development of critical thinking skills as students figure out where they stand on key issues.

Since its launch, the Dialogue Zone has been gaining experience regarding the development and incorporation of dialogue as a course component. This interactive presentation will share what has been learned through this experience and will help participants to take some initial steps in developing their own dialogue components for current or future courses.

11:00 AM

Supporting Global Learning through Collaborative International Online Learning (COIL)

Sangita Gosalia, University of Dayton
Margaret Pinnell, University of Dayton
Sharon Bommer, University of Dayton
Philip Appiah-Kubi, University of Dayton
Scott Segalewitz, University of Dayton

11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Learn about Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) as a model for creating meaningful intercultural experiences in the classroom. Hear from Philip Appiah-Kubi and Sharon Bommer about their experiences developing COIL projects and successfully integrating them into their courses.

11:00 AM

Top Ten Takeaways from Teaching in 2020

Brian LaDuca, University of Dayton
Theo J. Majka, University of Dayton
Molly Malany Sayre, University of Dayton
Yvonne Sun, University of Dayton
Patrick Thomas, University of Dayton

11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Join us for an engaging and energizing roundtable discussion where we will explore the main lessons we've learned about teaching in 2020.

This multidisciplinary group of UD educators will discuss their top takeaways and insights gained from teaching in 2020:

  • What was most challenging?
  • How did we overcome those challenges?
  • How, if at all, have we changed and evolved as educators through this pandemic?

We invite session participants to bring their own top takeaways and lessons learned and engage in an exchange of ideas as we prepare for the school year ahead.

12:00 PM

Employment Opportunities for Students During COVID-19

Jason Eckert, University of Dayton
Kelsey O'Rourke, University of Dayton

12:00 PM - 12:45 PM

The pandemic has created barriers to employment for University of Dayton students and alumni. This session will discuss the state of employment for students in terms of campus employment, internships and co-ops, and full-time employment. We will also discuss how the Class of 2020 entered work during the pandemic, as well as prospects for the Class of 2021. Attendees will also gain an understanding of real-time employment conditions, including employment projections from the National Association of Colleges and Employers and the Collegiate Employment Research Institute. The preliminary results of the Flyer First Destination Survey for the Class of 2020 will also be shared.

12:00 PM

Experiential Learning (EL) Research and Scholarship as EL Opportunity for Students

Karen Lovett, University of Dayton
Anna L. Biesecker-Mast, University of Dayton
Maggie Cahill, University of Dayton
Christina Mesa, University of Dayton

12:00 PM - 12:45 PM

In 2019, the Office of Experiential Learning partnered with an English course taught by Patrick Thomas to create an experiential learning opportunity for UD students, based on the publication of an edited collection of EL chapters written by more than 20 faculty and staff from across UD.

This session will explore how this EL opportunity was developed and how it has evolved into an experiential student employment opportunity for a new group of UD student editorial assistants working on volume 2 of the edited collection, published by Palgrave Macmillan.

Student editorial assistants will share their experiences and insights based on their participation in this EL publication project, and Karen Lovett (director of experiential learning) will share some insights on how this EL opportunity might work for other departments and areas of the University.

12:00 PM

Global Learning Academy: A New Model

Kelly Trail, University of Dayton
Zoe Krzywda, University of Dayton
Erin Gahimer, University of Dayton
Tom Morgan, University of Dayton
Sam Ortiz, University of Dayton

12:00 PM - 12:45 PM

The Global Learning Academy is an innovative global and intercultural learning program that combines online courses with a two-week theme-based field experience at key international, U.S., and local/virtual locations. Much like higher education in general, education abroad and international education were turned upside down with the pandemic. In response, we have developed a creative new model that will allow us to meet some of our long-standing priorities around access for a changing student population; interdisciplinary learning on critical global themes; integration with existing academic programs; and flexibility and adaptability in uncertain times. We will share plans for this new model, which will supplement existing education-abroad program models, and engage in discussion about it.

12:00 PM

Responsive and Adaptive: The Common Academic Program (CAP) in a Time of Distress

Youssef Farhat, University of Dayton
Elizabeth Mackay, University of Dayton
Christopher Brough, University of Dayton
Cassandra Secrease, University of Dayton

12:00 PM - 12:45 PM

With its innovative curriculum, the Common Academic Program is a unique learning experience that is responsive and adaptive to the changing times while remaining grounded in the Habits of Inquiry principles and Catholic and Marianist intellectual traditions at the University of Dayton.

In 2020, COVID-19 brought new realities and challenges, especially to the student-centered classrooms and personalized educational experiences that CAP attempts to craft and deliver. As tomorrow's leaders, our students must understand the complexities of the world and the crises of the now and the future. CAP is meant to teach them how to respond thoughtfully to such challenges, crises, and opportunities, and to do so with creativity, compassion, and their whole selves. CAP introduces key questions and topics across a wide range of academic disciplines, challenging students to value and synthesize diverse points of view and to examine issues critically with an open mind.

In this session, the CAP Component Coordinators — Christopher Brough (Social Sciences, SSC 200), Youssef Farhat (Diversity and Social Justice), Elizabeth Mackay (Humanities Commons), and Cassandra Secrease (Principles of Oral Communication, CMM 100) will reflect on how CAP at large and these components specifically offer and/or create opportunities for faculty and student learning and development.

The panelists will introduce themselves to campus community and address a series of reflective questions:

  • What each individual CAP component (SSC 200, CMM100, HC, and DSJ) is designed to do for students and faculty, as well as the University community at large, given the foundational aspects of CAP experiences.
  • How each component pivoted (or didn’t or couldn’t) in Spring 2020 in the remote learning environment.
  • What that moment taught us about our components and CAP communities and where we are taking that learning as we are moving forward in this academic year (2020-21).
  • What role CAP coordinators played in supporting faculty in adapting to and addressing arising changes in the classroom.
  • How, under the circumstances of the pandemic, the CAP coordinators are becoming a more formal, organized, and collaborative group.
  • What our collaboration can mean for the larger CAP community.

12:00 PM

Social Justice Advocacy Amidst Institutional Precarity: A Case Study of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts during COVID-19

Lisa Borello, University of Dayton
Shane Borah, University of Dayton

12:00 PM - 12:45 PM

The coronavirus pandemic has heightened both the necessity of and threat to gender equity work as universities nationwide face deepening financial crises. This workshop takes a case study approach to understanding the direct and indirect impacts of widespread furloughs, layoffs, and budget reductions on one university’s diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. We unpack the tensions of pursuing advocacy amidst institutional precarity and explore pathways for navigating uncertainty. Participants will share challenges and strategies for coalition-building.

1:00 PM

Accommodation Conversations

Deanna Arbuckle, University of Dayton
John Potter, University of Dayton
Melissa Recht, University of Dayton
Lydda Mansfield, University of Dayton
Robert Spangler, University of Dayton

1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

Ever wonder why a student might get “Modified Attendance” as an accommodation? Why would “Access to Instructional Materials” be appropriate for a student with a disability? Have you wanted to address a pop quiz but are not sure how to do so with a student’s accommodations? Do you think an accommodation is not appropriate for your class and wonder what your options might be? Join the Office of Learning Resources disability staff for a conversation about accommodations. We will be available to answer questions about why accommodations might be appropriate in the higher education setting as well as strategies for implementation of the accommodations. Submit specific questions in advance to disabilityservices@udayton.edu with a subject “Accommodation Conversation.”

1:00 PM

Don’t Go it Alone: Strengthening Library and Classroom Partnerships

Christina A. Beis, University of Dayton
Heidi Gauder, University of Dayton
Kayla Harris, University of Dayton
Stephanie Shreffler, University of Dayton
Caroline Waldron, University of Dayton

1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

The transition to remote learning strengthened partnerships between the University Libraries and teaching faculty by utilizing educational technologies to support curriculum in the online environment. This presentation will showcase how a team of librarians and archivists pivoted library instruction techniques with updated learning objectives in two online courses, HST 251 (American History to 1865) and HST 301 (Historiography). Faculty will learn about some of the resources available through the University Libraries to support their instruction, as well as an assessment of the tools used in these courses. Specific educational technologies discussed will include LibWizard, Qualtrics, Jamboard, Google forms, Warpwire videos, and LibGuides.

1:00 PM

Let's Make Diversity an Institutional Learning Goal: Insights from the Diversity ILG Working Group

Castel Sweet, University of Dayton
Thomas Morgan, University of Dayton
Youssef Farhat, University of Dayton

1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

This session will highlight ongoing work of the Diversity Institutional Learning Goal (ILG) working group and ongoing efforts to strengthen diversity-based educational outcomes across curricular and co-curricular experiences on campus. Presenters will share the working group’s progress to date and provide attendees with practical ways to begin or continue to intentionally incorporate concepts of diversity into their work, regardless of where they work. In addition, this session will provide the opportunity for attendees to share feedback on their experience with the Diversity ILG and provide input on useful resources that could help support their work.

1:00 PM

Pilot Assessment Plan: Intercultural and Global Learning

Amy Anderson, University of Dayton
Sangita Gosalia, University of Dayton
Zoe Krzywda, University of Dayton
Kelly Trail, University of Dayton
Kelly Bohrer, University of Dayton

1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

During the 2019-2020 academic year, this project team reviewed tools for intercultural and global learning and assessment. Our objective was to consider opportunities to support student growth and development and assess student learning at the program and/or institutional levels. We looked at some instruments we currently use, along with several others. In addition, we reviewed several content platforms that support student learning. While each had its pros and cons, we identified three tools for a pilot:

  • Assessment - The Global Engagement Survey
  • Content platform - Solidarity Modules
  • Content platform - Global Competency Certificate

Participants will have the opportunity to learn more about the pilot and the tools being used.

1:00 PM

Student Engagement in Blended/Online STEM Classes: Interactive Demonstrations by Former Teaching Fellows

Phu H. Phung, University of Dayton
Yvonne Sun, University of Dayton
Erick S. Vasquez, University of Dayton

1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

In this session, we will demonstrate our engagement methods to illustrate how they work and can be adopted in similar settings. We are diverse former LTC Teaching Fellows who have adopted various methods of engaging students in blended/online classes.

  • Phu Phung (Computer Science) uses online quizzes with peer discussions in the classroom and online using Zoom polls and Socrative.
  • Yvonne Sun (Biology) uses a variety of Zoom tools and Google apps to solicit real-time feedback.
  • Erick Vasquez (Chemical and Materials Engineering) uses live multiple-choice quizzes followed by team assessment while in Zoom and in the classroom.

OBS — open-source software to produce asynchronous videos — will be discussed. Attendees will have an opportunity to discuss the potential implementation of these online learning techniques in their courses.